I wanted to give you an update on my Elli, a 3 year old Shar Pei. I adopted her in October 2014. She was a puppy mill mama from horrible crowded conditions and was attacked by the dogs in her tiny 8×8 outdoor pen and had horrible scars and open sores on her body and many old wounds. It is a wonder why she is as sweet as she is.

My friend Jan was dog sitting for me while I was out of town and in desperation contacted you when she kept getting inflamed skin, more open sores and losing all of the hair on her feet and legs. When Jan explained to you that Elli drank tons of water but rarely peed you knew something was wrong with her internally.

Elli was immediately started on a total goats milk diet for a week and the changes were nearly immediate. I came home 4 days later and her feet hair was already growing back, her sores with help with a natural antibiotic spray were healing and she was peeing 3-4 times a day which was unheard of before.

She was on the goats milk for 3 weeks and her body sores were becoming less and less. Inflamed skin was starting to calm down and she seemed to have more energy as well.

She has been on raw turkey and raw turkey organs for 2 weeks now along with goat’s milk. She reacts to the cow kefir so I stopped giving that to her thinking she is lactose intolerant but my Doberman, Lincoln, loves it.

Elli loves her raw meat and goat’s milk and dives right in at every meal.

I truly believe you saved my dog from renal failure…her pee is clear and light yellow now. She drinks a little bit of water so I know eating the raw food gives her most of the moisture she needs on top of the 2X daily goats milk. Her poop is a light brown and a little chalky if I do not add the turkey organs but in all a vast difference from before.

Thanks again for your knowledge and care for my little girl. I know she is healthier and it probably saved her life…I love you forever and so does Elli. Pic is of her a few days ago with her brother, Lincoln.


Lincoln and Elli_Feb 2016 (3)